LAGQ BLOGRecent news and observations of the limousine industry in Queensland
LAGQ BLOGRecent news and observations of the limousine industry in Queensland
An annual booked hire fee already exists! Why is the proposed fee ride booking fee so low?19/4/2017
There is precedent that is being ignored. A Special Purpose Limousine Licence is currently an annual booked hire licence. It has been in place since 2007 and the current annual fee is $2480.80.
Limousine Licences were created by the government and sold to the private market. With regard to taxi licences, the government created them, put then to tender, and then sold them to the private market. Both of these Licences are transferable, subject to capital gains tax and stamp duty. Taxi and Limousine Licence owners lease their licences to operators, or operate the licence themselves.
The PWU Committee enquiry into the Transport and Other Legislation (Personalised Transport Reform) Amendment Bill 2017 is under way. The Committee has published 325 submissions.
The submissions make for interesting reading. You can view submissions here. Minister Bailey has released details of the much needed Hardship Fund. He has missed the mark on this one.Minister Bailey Introduces Draft Legislation to Industry
For Further information
Peter Allan 0404 488 533 |
This is a not for profit incorporated association.
This site is for the purpose of informing Industry participants and the general public of Limousine Industry related information. Limousine Action Group (Queensland) Inc. ![]()